Using Iron Removing Salts and Resin Bed Cleaners in Water Softener

Some salts may have an additive to help the water softener handle iron in the water supply. Although these additives may help to keep the water softener's resin clean, it may also release corrosive fumes that weaken and shorten the life of some water softener parts. Therefore, we recommend using salt that does not contain iron-out additives.

If the water in your home contains high levels of clear water iron, it may be beneficial to use a resin bed cleaner to remove any build up of iron residue in the softener resin bed. In this case, we recommend cleaning the resin bed at least every six months. Resin bed cleaners are readily available at major hardware stores and home centers.

A high clear water iron content is usually seen as red staining in sinks, bathtubs, showers and toilets.

When using a resin bed cleaner, be sure to mix with water, pour it into the brine well and put the softener in a regeneration mode immediately. Do not pour the resin bed cleaner in the salt tank with the salt.