Dishwasher - H20 in Display

Anytime the H20 error appears in the dishwasher's display, the dishwasher is not getting enough water or no water at all. The water fill phase of the cycle is on a timer. If the water pressure is OFF or not high enough, the dishwasher will not get any or enough water during this phase. When this error occurs, it is likely that the water supply to the dishwasher has not been turned completely ON.

Common Reasons Why This Error Occurs

  • The dishwasher is being run for the very first time.
  • Work has just been completed on the house plumbing.
  • The water supply line connected to the dishwasher under the sink has been recently turned OFF.

Resolving This Error

  1. Locate the hot water valve under the sink nearest the dishwasher and ensure it is turned completely ON. This ensures the dishwasher will get the best water pressure to fill properly in the time allotted in the water fill phase of the cycle. See the video about the dishwasher water supply cutoff valve below:
    Video - Dishwasher No Fill - Water Cutoff
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  2. Ensure the appliance is leveled properly to prevent water from falling too far forward or too far back into the appliance. A tilted or leaning appliance can give the sense that the water level is low in certain areas.
  3. Select another cycle option, then put the option back to your desired setting to clear the H20 code.

Repair Required

If the H20 error continues and it has been confirmed that the house water supply/pressure is adequate, the water valve is completely ON, and the dishwasher is level, a service call is recommended. For service, please schedule a repair appointment with GE Appliances Factory Service.