Top Load Washer - Description of Infusor
Many Top Load Washers feature an Infusor rather than an agitator. The Infusor serves the same purpose as an agitator. It serves to distribute the clothes throughout the Washer tub to help get the laundry clean.
Understanding the Purpose of an Infusor in a Washer
Top Load Washers with an Infusor will not have a traditional agitator. The Infusor replaces the agitator and has a short, wide base (wash plate) that works alone or with the wash basket to provide different types of wash action.
With an Infusor, the clothes stay near the wash plate. The mechanical action of the Infusor moves the clothes through the water and against the sides of the tub and down around the Infusor. This wash system is softer and quieter during agitation.
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