Dishwasher - Blinking Lights or Beeping Sounds

Dishwashers equipped with an electronic control may start displaying blinking lights or make beeping sounds. This alerts the user that the dishwasher may need attention.
Since the lights and sounds indicate different things on different models, it is best to refer to the Owner's Manual for an explanation of the various blinking lights and beeping sounds applicable to your model.

Beeping Sound, Blinking or Will Not Start

  • A beeping sound every 30 seconds or every minute: This indicates the dishwasher door was unlatched during the cycle. Close the dishwasher door to resume the cycle and the beeping will stop.
  • Blinking "Start" or "Start/Reset" light: This indicates that the dishwasher has been reset and is in the process of turning off. This light will blink for 75 to 90 seconds, depending on the model.
  • Other blinking lights or beeping sounds: These may indicate a problem with the dishwasher caused by power surges. Try pressing the "Start/Reset" pad to reset the dishwasher and wait 2 minutes. If the problem persists, reset (reboot) the dishwasher by turning off power to the appliance at the house circuit breaker or fuse box for 30 seconds. Restore power and the dishwasher should reset and function normally.
    Dishwasher Blinking Light
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Resetting Your Dishwasher

Often troubleshooting suggests that you "reset your dishwasher" as a way to resolve minor issues, such as blinking lights, beeping, or even a fault code. Your Owner's Manual provides model specific assistance, or you can check out a short video below about resetting a dishwasher.
Dishwasher Not Working- Lights On
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Additional Assistance

If the above suggestions do not resolve the issue and the dishwasher is still beeping or has blinking lights, service may be needed. For repair assistance, schedule an appointment with Bodewell.