Dishwasher - Door Will Not Latch

To minimize the possibility of electric shock, unplug the appliance from the power supply before attempting any maintenance or cleaning or turn the house circuit breakers/fuses to the off position.
If the door on a Dishwasher will not latch closed, the Dishwasher cannot be started and is basically useless. It is possible for the door latch to break and require a repair. However, there are things to check prior to scheduling a repair. The tips below may remedy the concern without the need for a repair.

Diagnosing a Dishwasher Door That Will Not Latch

If the Dishwasher door will not latch on a new installation, there are a few things to check to remedy the situation.
  • Close the door and check both sides and the top of the door. If the door is hitting the cabinets or screws under the counter, contact your installer to correct this or consult the Installation Instructions for your Dishwasher.
  • On a new Dishwasher, it may be necessary to push in on the top center of the control panel while latching the door because the gasket is new and still very stiff.
    • New gaskets may have not had an opportunity to seat properly.
    • Up to ten Dishwasher cycles may be required for the wash heat to help mold and seat the gasket. The gasket will become more pliable after a few uses.
If the Dishwasher door will not latch on a new or existing installation, here are other things to check.
  • Check your rack loading. Be sure all items are within the racks and do not stick out beyond the front or back of the Dishwasher racks.
  • Also, check to be sure items do not fall through the lower rack. Items sticking through the lower rack may prevent the lower rack from rolling completely into the Dishwasher and may also prevent rotation of the spray arm below the rack.
  • Make sure nothing such as silverware or other small items are obstructing the closing of the door.
  • On Dishwashers with model numbers starting with the letters GDF/GDT/PDT/CDT/DDT/ZDT that have adjustable racks, make sure the upper rack is in the correct position. The rack is adjustable up or down 2 inches. The adjustable rack should not be raised or lowered on one side only. This prevents the door from closing all the way.

Repair Service Recommended

If these tips did not resolve the concern, service is most likely needed. For service, please schedule a repair appointment with Bodewell.