Refrigerator - Frost or Ice Crystals on Food in Freezer

Frost Inside Packages or Containers:

  • As food freezes, some of the moisture in the food is drawn to its surface and freezes as well. This can cause frost to appear on the inside of packages or containers.


Frost on the Outside of Packages or Containers:

  • Opening the freezer can cause warm, moist air to enter the freezer. This warm, moist air may become frost or ice crystals on packages as it condenses inside the cold freezer.


Frost on Walls:

  • The formation of ice crystals, especially around the freezer door or drawer opening, might result from a package of food or a shelf preventing the freezer door or drawer from closing completely and sealing properly. Check to be sure there are no food packages or shelves preventing the door or drawer from sealing against the cabinet front.

  • For heavy frost in the freezer, make sure all shelves, baskets and door bins are in their correct locations and do not prevent the freezer door or drawer from closing fully.

  • Putting warm food in the freezer, especially if uncovered, will cause a temporary build-up of frost or ice crystals.


These are normal occurrences and usually do not indicate a problem with the unit. However, if these tips do not remedy a concern with heavy frost build-up or ice accumulation, service may be needed. If service is needed, you can schedule an appointment with GE Appliances Service.