Top Load Washer - Clothes Not Cleaning Well

We understand the frustration of finding that the clothes are not getting as clean as you expect when they are removed from the Washer. The tips below will help you to get the best wash performance from your Top Load Washer.


Getting the Best Cleaning Results From a Top Load Washer

To improve wash performance, use the correct amount and type of detergent, load carefully, and select the right amount of water and settings for your load size. Keep the lid closed during the wash cycle.

  • Step 1: Select the right amount and type of detergent. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended amount for your load. Pre-treat stains if needed. If your Washer has an infusor or precise-fill setting, you should use HE (High Efficiency) detergent. HE detergent is a low sudsing detergent. Contrary to other applications, suds in a washing machine can reduce cleaning performance.
  • Step 2: Loosely load the clothing into the Washer basket around of the outside of the basket. Pouring and/or compacting the load can lead to poor cleaning performance and increase wrinkling and tangling. Do not wrap items around the agitator or infusor as that can lead to increased wrinkling.
  • Step 3: Close the lid. Select the settings for your Washer cycle. Several Washer models can select the correct amount of water. Clothing that floats in the water may not get the optimum turnover to clean properly. Keep the lid closed during the entire wash cycle.

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