Refrigerator Dispenser Lamp Replace
On most models, the dispenser light can be easily replaced. The bulb can be replaced by reaching up behind the dispenser trim and unscrewing the defective bulb and then replacing with new one.
Models 2001 and newer
- For models with a small incandescent consumer replaceable light bulb for the dispenser, it requires a 12 volt, 6 watt bulb, descending current.
- For models with an LED light, these can only be replaced by service. Note that most models only have 1 LED light, even though there is a place for 2 LED lights. A second bulb cannot be added.
Prior to 2001
- The replacement lamp for the night light is a 7C7 (7 watt-similar to Christmas tree bulb) and can be purchased locally, ex. drugstores, hardware stores, department stores, and GE Appliance Parts.