Dishwasher - Excess Suds

If suds (bubbles) or soap foam are present when the door is opened, turn off the Dishwasher and allow the suds to dissipate. This may take several hours. Make sure any water has been pumped out of the tub.

Preventing Excess Suds Inside a Dishwasher

Cause of Excess Suds: Using the wrong type or too much detergent can cause excessive sudsing. The suds may push water out of the Dishwasher, causing leaks or flooding conditions. Only detergent specifically designed for use in automatic Dishwashers should be used.

Eliminating Excess Suds From the Dishwasher

To get rid of the suds, you can follow one of the options listed below.

Option 1: (preferred method)

  1. Add one gallon of cold water to the tub, then close and latch the door to the Dishwasher.
  2. Next, pump the water out:
    • Mechanical Models - Unlatch the door and slowly turn the dial until a drain cycle is reached. You will hear a click when you have reached the drain cycle (normally heard right before the dry cycle). Latch the door and let your Dishwasher pump out completely.
    • Electronic Models - If the cycle is complete, close and latch the door. Select any cycle and start the Dishwasher. Wait 10 seconds, then press the Start/Reset pad to pump the water out of the Dishwasher. The drain cycle will take up to 90 seconds. If in mid-cycle (the Dishwasher is beeping with the door open), close and latch the door. Press the Start/Reset pad immediately to begin the pump out.

Option 2:

  1. Sprinkle several tablespoons of non-dairy coffee creamer over the suds. The fat in the creamer will help break down the bubbles.
  2. Wait five minutes for the quantity of suds to reduce.
  3. Follow the steps in Option 1 to flush out the Dishwasher.
Note: The process for either option may need to be repeated several times to flush all the suds-causing material down the drain.
View a short video about using dish soap in your Dishwasher by accident:
Video - Dishwasher Tip: Do Not Use Hand Soap

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Additional Support

Consult the Owner's Manual for your Dishwasher for information about the proper use of detergents and rinse agents.