GE Appliance - Model and Serial Number Location
The location of the rating plate that provides the model and serial number for an appliance varies by the type of appliance. When you need to have your model and serial number, you can easily obtain this information directly from the appliance.
Locating the Model and Serial Numbers on a GE Appliance
Each appliance has a rating plate that provides the model and serial number, as well as specific electrical data pertaining to the appliance. For assistance locating the model and serial number on your appliance, please take a look at Find Your Model & Serial Numbers on our website.
The Owner's Manual for the specific model you own may have directions for locating the model and serial number on the appliance.
Additional Appliance Inquiries
From a repair to a replacement, we can help you make each decision with confidence. Please reach out to us for assistance with every appliance need.