Microwave Time Cook Function Explanation

Time Cook (on some models "Micro Cook") enables you to set the cook time, as well as change the power level, if necessary.

For simple time cooking, the steps are as follows:

  1. Press Time (or Micro) Cook.
  2. Enter cooking time.
  3. Press Start

If you need to change from the automatic power level 10, the steps are as follows:

  1. Press Time (or Micro) Cook.
  2. Enter cooking time.
  3. Press Power Level pad.
  4. Enter power level (touch 5 for 50% power, for instance)
  5. Press Start.

Microwaves with two or three step programming, such as Time Cook I and II, enable you to set up two or three functions at the same time, such as cooking rice on power level 10 for five minutes, then at power level 5 for fifteen minutes.

Those steps are as follows:

  1. Press Time (or Micro) Cook.
  2. Enter 5:00 (for five minutes). (Power is automatically at 10)
  3. Press Time (or Micro) Cook
  4. Enter 15:00 (for fifteen minutes).
  5. Press Power Level pad
  6. Press 5.
  7. Press Start.

The microwave will cook for 5 minutes at power level 10, then cook for fifteen minutes at power level 5.