Trivection Cooking Technology

In Fall, 2003 - GE proudly introduced a new cooking technology - Trivection™.  These models are no longer being manufactured.


By combining thermal, convection and microwave heating, these Trivection ovens automatically delivered the ideal cooking mix to produce optimal texture, crispness, moisture and browning regardless of food type. No special cookware was needed.A marvel in culinary efficiency!22 lb turkey..........1/2 the timeFresh side dishes.....1/3 the timeFrozen side dishes....1/3 the timeBaked potatoes........1/5 the timeBreads................1/3 the timeCookies...............1/2 the timeTrivection was also available on both double and single wall ovens (30") along with a slide in range.Trivection ovens cannot be used as a microwave oven. The amount of microwave energy used in the Trivection system is minimal and will not be enough to mimic the cooking performance of a true microwave oven.