Top Load Washer - Will Not Drain
We know how frustrating it is to have water inside the washer that does not drain out. This could definitely indicate a need for a repair. However, if your Top Load Washer is not draining, the following are things you can check in an attempt to remedy the concern.Water Sloshing Sound
If no water is visible in the basket but you hear a "sloshing water" sound, the washer's balance ring is most likely making the sound. The balance ring is an enclosed plastic container partially filled with a saltwater (brine) solution that is attached to the inner clothes basket. It allows the basket to spin smoothly during an out-of-balance situation. This is a normal sound.Pauses
If your washer is not draining, wait a few minutes. For many models, it is normal to have pauses between cycles of up to 3 minutes. If you have a manual dial for the wash cycle selection on the control panel, do not manually advance the dial/timer if it is pausing after agitation. If you advance the dial manually, you may miss the pump-out portion of the cycle.Lid Is Up
Make sure the washer lid is down if it is a 1994 or older model. Since the washer spins and drains at the same time, the lid must be down for it to operate.Drain Hose or Plumbing
- Make sure the drain hose is not kinked or clogged.
- Make sure the washer is not trying to drain more than 8 feet higher than the floor. The maximum height most GE Appliances full size washers will pump is 8 feet from the floor; 5 feet for a compact or portable washer. Check your Installation Instructions for more details about the drain height.
- The drain hose goes into a standpipe, drain or other household plumbing. Remove the drain hose and pour a quart of water into the standpipe or drain. If water will not drain, a plumber is recommended.
RINSE Light Is Flashing or "Po" Is Scrolling on the Display (2015 and Newer Models)
This usually indicates the washer took too long to pump the water out. There may be a clog.- Press Start to resume the cycle or you can select Drain & Spin and press Start. If the washer drains properly, then the clog has likely cleared.
- If water remains in the washer, check for a pinched or flattened drain hose. You may even need to disconnect power to the washer and remove the drain hose from the back of the machine and the plumbing to see if there is a clog inside the drain hose.
- If you clear a clog, press START to resume your cycle or you can select Drain & Spin and press Start.
- If the water drains, then the clog is clear. If problems persist, service will be required.
Tub Full of Water and Just Hums
If this happens, you will need to schedule service with Bodewell.