Top Load Washer - Lint / Pump Filters

GE Appliances has made use of several Top Load Washer lint filtering systems over the years. The following is a description of the Top Load Washer filtering systems from most recent to decades past. Should you need information regarding the pump filter systems on our Front Load Washers, please see our Front Load Washer - Cleaning a Pump Filter article.

Top Load Washer Filtering Systems

2001 and Newer

  • The Fine Mesh filters were removed from under the agitator when it was found that a better pump and larger holes in the hub under the agitator did a better job of removing lint and preventing clogs in the drain system. The drain system allows water to flow through the basket and out the bottom of the tub pulling lint, hair and small particles with the water. There is no maintenance required on this system, so there is not a way to access the pump for cleaning or maintenance.
  • An exception to this design is our Spacemaker or Space-Saving Top Load Washer models. Models made since 2014 have lint filters in the wash basket that are consumer removable for cleaning. For information on cleaning these filters, please check out our Spacemaker Washer - Cleaning Lint / Pump Filter article.

1995 Through 2000

  • There are 2 crescent-shaped Fine Mesh plastic lint filters in the bottom of the wash basket under the agitator. Water flows through the filters from the bottom of the tub, accumulating any lint on the bottom of the filter screens.
  • During the drain out and spin portion of the wash cycle, the water forces the lint off the bottom of the filters and down the drain.
  • These filters should never require cleaning or replacement. However, if rubber backing from a throw rug or something similar clogs the drain, service will be required. For service, please schedule a repair appointment with Bodewell.

1994 GE Appliance and 1994 and Earlier Hotpoint Models

  • A self-clean filtering ring with over four linear feet of filtering surface was featured in these models. The wash and rinse water is constantly filtered and the spray rinse at the end of the wash and rinse cycles does the cleaning. A powerful flushing action clears the 4,912 tiny perforations in the ring, carrying lint down to the pump and out the drain. There is no need for manual cleaning.
  • Lint discharge from the washer with a self-clean filtering ring did not cause a problem with septic tanks because most lint is produced from cotton fabrics which are biodegradable and septic tanks are designed to handle these fibers. Also, the design of the self-clean filtering ring allowed for the lint to be dispersed around the filter so it did not ball up which allowed the lint to biodegrade easily. On the contrary, with the design of the Filter-Flo system, the lint is caused to ball up for easy hand removal.
  • Here is some information on the operation of the self-clean filtering ring flushing and Fresh Water Spray Rinse:
    • During the first spin of both the Normal and Permanent Press cycles, a cold Fresh Water Spray Rinse was discharged from the fill nozzle. This water was dispersed between both the filter ring and the outer tub.
    • The Spray Rinse water entering the filter ring did 3 things:
      • Dislodged the lint, allowing the centrifugal forces to transfer it to the outer tub.
      • Acted as a Fresh Water initial rinse to the clothes.
      • When in the Permanent Press cycle, the cold Fresh Water Spray Rinse provides a cool down to help prevent the setting of wrinkles in clothing. The Spray Rinse sprays in the same direction as the filter.
    • The Spray Rinse water entering the tub did 2 things:
      • Rinsed the lint from the tub wall and into the drain water.
      • Changed soap suds into a liquid for easy discharge.
  • When in the Normal cycle, the Spray Rinse was dispensed in the middle of the spin and lasted 30 seconds. The Permanent Press cycle had the Spray Rinse at the end of the first spin and the fill continued into the first deep water rinse fill.

1993 and Earlier GE Appliances Models

  • Filter-Flo System, which was exclusive to GE Appliances, was used to remove lint. The Filter-Flo pan sits on top of the agitator and features very fine holes to entrap particles as tiny as sand.
  • Water is circulated through the pan during wash and rinse cycles to entrap lint, hair, or other particulates, and prevent these particles from being re-deposited on the clothes.
  • At the end of the final rinse, you remove the lint from the pan and discard it.
  • If the Filter-Flo pan gets clogged with mineral deposits, you can soak it in a pre-heated 160 degree F solution of half vinegar and half water for 15 minutes. Then, brush each side of the pan with a stiff bristle brush while flushing with running water.
  • To prevent recurring clogging, you can soak the Filter-Flo pan overnight in a solution of 2 cups of vinegar and 1 gallon of warm water. Brush and flush. This can be done weekly, if necessary.
  • Caution: Do not soak in a porcelain container or exceed 180 degrees Fahrenheit, since the pan might warp at this temperature.

Service and Support

From a repair to a replacement, we are available to assist. Contact us any time to inquire about any appliance need.