Advantium - Reasons Why the Bottom of Food May Be Overcooked

Cooking results may vary in your Advantium oven due to differences in food composition and size, even with the pre-programmed Speedcook recipes. Fortunately, there are a number of adjustments you can easily make to accommodate for the differences in foods. Specifically, if your food is overcooked on the bottom when Speedcooking in your Advanitum oven, please check out the suggestions below.

Tips to Avoid Overcooking the Bottom of Food

  • Try manually decreasing the Lower lamp's (L) power level. Typically, thinner foods, such as cookies, will have better cooking results with a lower setting. For more information about setting the power level on your Advantium, please consult your Owner's Manual. Download a copy of the Owner's Manual.
  • If you are cooking without the metal tray, be sure the cookware is oven-safe (glass or ceramic, non-metal) and is placed directly on the turntable (metal oven ring). For example, using improper cookware that has a thin bottom may result in your food burning on the bottom.
  • You may also want to try reducing the total length of cooking time.
  • Turning the food over part way through the cooking cycle may also help avoid overcooking the bottom.
  • Keep in mind that the placement of the food on the metal tray is also important. See the "Cookware Tips" section at Advantium Speedcook Oven Recipes & Cooking Tips.

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