Dishwasher - Error, Fault or Function Codes

Fault codes are programmed into dishwashers that have electronic controls. These fault codes, also called error or function codes, help GE Appliances repair technicians quickly diagnose issues with the dishwasher. Some codes provide guidance for issues you can potentially correct yourself. However, most fault codes indicate issues that will require a repair technician to resolve the concern.
Here is a list of the more common fault, error, or function codes and some possible solutions for you to try. Not all codes are found on all models.

Most Common Fault and Error Codes

Fault CodeDefinitionSolution
Number + H (Ex. 1H)The dishwasher is in Delay Start mode.For more information on this feature, please view: Dishwasher - Delay Start Option.
C1The pump out during drain has exceeded 2 minutes.Clean the air gap. Replace or reposition the hose. Run the disposer to clean it out. If the problem persists, contact service. Dishwasher - Cleaning Your Air Gap
C2The total pump out cycle exceeds 7 minutes.Press RESET to stop the beep.
C3The dishwasher will not drain.Disconnect the power at the circuit breaker for about 30 seconds and then reset the dishwasher. If the problem persists, contact service.
C4Machine filled twice after a power failure. Float switch stuck or failed. Clogged drain or sump.Touch start and then cancel/reset. Tap on the float cover to un-stick the float. This is the plastic cover that looks like an upside down cup in the front left corner of the floor of the dishwasher. Also, check the sump area in the back, bottom of the tub for debris. It looks like an upside down silverware basket and can become clogged. If the problem persists, contact service.
C5The pump out time is too short.Make sure that the water supply is turned on. Try the same cycle again. Tap on the float cover to un-stick the float. This is the plastic cover that looks like an upside down cup in the front left corner of the floor of the dishwasher.
C6Water temperature is too low.The water temperature coming into the dishwasher should be at least 120 degrees F. Run the faucet adjacent to the dishwasher prior to starting the dishwasher to purge any cold water from the line. Adjust the water heater temperature. Don't use the washing machine or take showers when using the dishwasher. Use options on the dishwasher to cause the machine to run longer and thus add more heat.
C7The dishwasher's water temperature sensor circuit has become inoperative.Disconnect the power at the circuit breaker for about 30 seconds and then reset the dishwasher. If the problem persists, contact service.
C8This display indicates that the detergent cup is blocked from opening fully.Remove the obstruction (for example, silverware or a pan). Close and latch the door and wait 30 seconds for the cup to open. Dishwasher - Detergent Cup Did Not Open
PF CodeIndicates that there has been a power failure to the dishwasher.Simply select the desired cycle and options, press the Start pad and the dishwasher will function normally.
Cup OpenThe detergent cup has not been closed. It's a reminder to add detergent and latch the cup closed.When the problem occurs the cycle will not start, but you can override by pressing the start pad again without opening the door. If this problem persists, contact service.
FTD or F56Failure to drain.The dishwasher did not drain. Check the drain hose, air gap, and disposer. See Dishwasher - Not Draining.
LEAK DETECTEDPossible leak is detected.The cycle will be cancelled on models with leak detection. If LEAK DETECTED is displayed, contact service.
999Possible leak detected on models with "Floor Protect with Alert" feature.
All others: The unit's control needs to be reset.
  Dishwasher - Floor Protect / Leak Protection Feature: The dishwasher will not start. Contact service.
All Others: Reset the control. Dishwasher - 999 Error Code Appears in Display.
H2OThis indicates a low water situation.If H2O only appears during a 1-Hour Wash cycle, schedule service. Feel free to run any other cycle until service is done. If H2O appears during other wash cycles (AutoSense, Heavy, Normal or Light), then double-check that the inlet water hose is not kinked. If neither of the above apply, call for service.
PrSIndicates the pressure sensor is sending an invalid signal to the control. Cannot start cycle or it will cancel.Most likely this is a harness or sensor issue. Service is recommended.

Service and Support

Sometimes disconnecting power to the dishwasher for a minute or two will clear the fault, error or function code. If this simple reset of the appliance does not clear the code, service may be required. For service, please schedule a repair appointment with Bodewell.