Dishwasher - Will Not Start or Run but Has Lights or Sound

If your dishwasher is not working, but the display lights illuminate and button presses make sounds, this rules out the power source being the issue. Listed below are a few things that could be keeping the appliance from starting. Checking these possible solutions often gets the appliance working again without the need for repair service.

Control Lock Feature

Most dishwasher models with electronic controls have a child lock-out feature to prevent the dishwasher from accidentally being turned on.
  • The way that you lock the controls will vary by model. For model specific directions for your dishwasher, consult your Owner's Manual.  The following video provides an example of how to turn the Control Lock feature on and off.
    Dishwasher Controls - Lock and Unlock
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Door Not Latching Properly

  • Make sure there is nothing preventing the door from closing securely, such as trim, insulation, the cabinet or countertop. The door latch must be fully engaged for the switch to signal that the door is closed properly and the dishwasher is ready to operate.

Make Sure the Delay Start is Not On

  • Models with a Delay Hours or Delay Start button will allow you to start the dishwasher now, but the wash cycle will not begin until the set number of hours has passed. If the Delay Hours or Delay Start feature is activated, the display will show the set amount of hours before the wash cycle will begin. For example, it will show 2H for 2 hours, or 4H for 4 hours. For more information about this feature, view our Dishwasher - Delay Start Option article.

Demo Mode

  • Some dishwasher models have a Demo Mode feature. For these models, make sure the appliance is not in Demo Mode. For more information about this feature, view our Dishwasher - Demo Mode article.

Dishwasher Making a Slight Humming Noise But Will Not Start or Run

  • For models starting with the letters GDF/GDT/PDT/CDT/DDT/ADT/ZDT, pour one pint of hot tap water into the bottom of the appliance. Press the Start pad and allow the dishwasher to run for five minutes.
  • For other models, please view our Dishwasher - Hums and Will Not Fill article.

Flood Float Is Stuck

  • For models starting with the letters GDF/GDT/PDT/CDT/DDT/ADT/ZDT, view our Dishwasher - Flood Float article.
  • All other models will require a service technician to determine if the flood float is stuck and requires a repair.

Leak Detection Feature

Sleep or Sabbath Mode

  • There is one last thing you can check, though with this scenario you will not see lights or hear any sound. Some models have a Sleep or Sabbath Mode that turns off all lights and sounds on the appliance even though there is power connected. To turn this feature On or Off, check the Owner’s Manual for model specific information on activating and deactivating the Sleep or Sabbath Mode.


If the above suggestions do not resolve the issue and your dishwasher will not start or run, a service call may be needed. For repair assistance, please schedule a service appointment with Bodewell.